We took our trip home from Christmas on the train! We departed from Fullerton, Ca and arrived in Kansas City. It was a great trip and even though the total trip time was about 35 hours, it didn't feel so long. We were able to get a sleeping compartment, so basically that meant we had a room to ourselves. We were able to read, work on computers, check out the beautiful scenery, and take naps whenever we wanted to! We also were able to visit the dining car for our meals, and if the train had a longer stop in a town, we would get off and do some walking to strech out our legs. We really enjoyed our train adventure and hope that you enjoy the pics!
Our room, the dining car, the shower, etc...

Some breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert!

Our room, the dining car, the shower, etc...

Some breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert!