Friday, April 2, 2010


Last weekend I had a great trip out to California! I headed out there to celebrate my friend Julie's wedding. It was a wonderful day and Julie was a beautiful bride!

The days leading up to the wedding were also pretty fabulous. I was able to reunite with a wonderful group of friends, we were all on staff together, doing youth ministry throughout Europe. I hadn't seen some of them in 7 years! We had days full of girl stuff...talking, pedicures, lunches! Lots of fun.

I was also able to spend some fun time with Matt's parents. I spent about 2 days out at their place and it was a wonderful way to relax after all the events of the previous weekend. I was also able to go out on one of my favorite runs, it's about 10 miles long, so it fit in well with my 1/2 marathon training program. I love the scenery from that run, it goes pretty high up over their town and I was able to view the beautiful mountains and hills that are around their area, that along with running by beautiful homes. I stayed very visually entertained!
This is my first time doing the whole collage thing, I think it has made it that all of the text is centered, I'll try and figure out how to fix that one day! My understanding is that if you want to view a picture more closely on the collage, just click on it and you get a larger view!

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jennyharhar said...

It was so great being there with you!

KToth said...

Wow, Heather, you look beautiful in all of those pictures! Looks like you had fun. :)