Monday, August 23, 2010

Our Vacation

Matt and I were incredibly lucky to be able to take 2 and 1/2 weeks of vacation this summer. We spent 1 week in Canada, and 1 week on Cape Cod (the rest of the days were driving days!) we had a completely relaxing and fun time with our family.

We started our trip with a drive up to Canada, we took it slow and spent about 2 1/2 days on the road. We spent a great day (Matt's Birthday) in Niagara Falls along our way. It was fun to be about to stop and break up some drive time!

Our time in Canada was pure relaxation. It was Matt's first time in Canada and I was so excited to introduce him to it! We spent our days lounging by the river, then lounging up at the cottage, then... lounging by the river again! We did make a couple little excursions. One day we drove into Ottawa and visited the market and Parliment buildings. Another day we spent some time driving around a nearby national park.

The next half of the trip was with Matt's family on Cape Cod, we got some quality time with my family too which was good! On the Cape we mostly enjoyed spending time at the beach, on the lake, or on the boat. Those days along with some fabulous meals and quality time with family made for a trip that couldn't have been better!

We came home so relaxed, it was great to get away! Our trip home deserves it's own post, so be looking for that over the next couple of days!

1 comment:

Emily said...

What an amazing vacation! The pictures were great. I love the adventures you two get to have with one another and I am glad you don't take them for granted. Can't wait to hear about the drive home.