Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Made it!

Actually we made it here to MO last Friday it's just taken me a little while to sit and write about it! The drive went very well, and we didn't have to take the crazy long route that we originally planned. We found the car we were looking for in New Mexico! We ended up getting an Audi Allroad and we love it, it's a little older (2001), but it's in pretty good condition and we paid a fair price for it, so we are definitely happy.

Since we arrived we've basically been getting to know the new community we will be living in. We visited one of the local churches on Sunday, and have driven around trying to familiarize ourselves with the area. It's been crazy hot and humid out here!

Matt started work on Monday and is enjoying it. It's been weird sending him off to work in button up shirts and slacks instead of his uniform, but it is just something we are going to need to get used to!

We are looking forward to this weekend, on Saturday we get to have breakfast with some college friends of mine who are travelling close by, AND we get to move into our new place as well! We are excited about getting settled in!


Childress Family said...

Great to see your updates! Hope the settling in and transition goes well. Oh, and hope Matt can find plenty of wrinkle-free shirts! :-)

Jeannette Newman said...

Hot and Humid, yep sounds like Misery (whoops!) Missouri :-) Glad to hear that life is going well for the two of you. So, what are you going to settle into now?

JStar said...

Sounds like we are doing the same thing at the same time! Unpacking, getting settled, and getting to know our new communities. Jim also goes to work in button up shirts and slacks (he only wears class B's on Tuesdays) so it is a change for us as well! Your house looks great, and have fun moving in! Also, good luck on the job search.