Thursday, February 14, 2008

Very excited!!

Last week Matt realized that he had to take 16 days of his deployment leave by the end of this month, or he would lose it once he got to Heidelberg. What a great opportunity to come to the states for a visit right!

After a few days of travel planning, and with the help of an incredible friend, Matt is arriving here tomorrow! I get to spend the rest of February with him too! I am so excited.

We've got a couple of things on our list already. Saturday we are going to a friends wedding, yay! And we will need to cut out of the reception a little early (sorry Amy!) because we were able to schedule a flight out to California for that night! Redlands, Ca is Matt's home town, and we are both excited about visiting his family and friends, we are going to be there until Thursday, so I'm sure we will be able to see lots of people!

I'll make sure to update everyone with details of our trip and time together, AND it will be exciting for you guys to be able to get some new pictures again! You may have noticed that since I left Germany there haven't been any pics added to the blog (except one I found on the Internet), there is a reason for that....I am definitely not a camera guru!


Emily said...

Oh that makes me so happy for you! Wnjoy your time together!! I wish that there was some way we could see you guys as well, but TX is a bot out of the way.

Julie said...

yay for visiting!!! give me a call when you get here and we'll hang out! :)